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Junior Saints part two: Students reflect on drawing closer to Jesus during Lent

Drawing by Molly Howard, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

(To mark the season of Lent, students in the Archdiocese of Washington were invited to submit drawings and writings for the Catholic Standard's Junior Saints section, about how they planned to draw closer to Jesus during Lent. During the first four weeks of Lent, the Junior Saints feature on the Catholic Standard's website will highlight four installments of students’ writings and drawings on that topic, continuing this week with part two of that series, featuring submissions from students at Blessed Sacrament School in Washington, D.C.)

“During Lent, especially this Lent, it’s very important to keep God and Jesus close in our hearts. I will do this by going to online Mass as much as I can. I could also stay active in my community. You could do many of these things even during Covid. You could also help donate money, masks and supplies to homeless shelters…” – Erin O’Brien, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

 Drawing by Lily Ritz, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

“During the season of Lent, I will try to draw closer to Jesus by making small sacrifices. For example, instead of watching TV or using electronics, I can spend more time outside. Also, I can attend virtual Mass and pray to God before bed or meals. Lastly, I will listen to my parents and help out when they need help.” – Lily Ritz, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Drawing by Jace Willis, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

 “This Lent I’m going to grow closer to Jesus by going to church, donating things and giving up screen time. Covid has made it hard to go to church, but I can still participate by seeing the videos online. Next is that I’m getting rid of a lot of things, so I think I can donate a lot of it to charity.” – Molly Hurley, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Drawing by Keaveny Mullins, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

“During Lent I will sacrifice eating as much junk food to stay closer to Jesus. I will also pray more… I will pray for the homeless and the poor who have to stay outside during these cold times… I will donate to charities who need help. I will try to help the shelters by donating clothes and food I do not need.” – Emily Talbott, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Drawing by Emily Talbott, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

“I will draw closer to Jesus during this Lent by going to church every Sunday or watching the church livestreams. Another way I will draw closer to Jesus is by donating money to people who need it. Also I will give up something I like such as candy. One last thing is I will pray more than I usually do.’” – Daniel Wimsatt, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Drawing by Maryanne Bruno, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

“During Covid a ton of people died and got sick, and I pray every day for them. When I heard that we had a shot for Covid, I prayed to God thanking Him for this…” — Sloan Conley, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Drawing by Tilly Cissna, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

“During this Lent, I will draw closer to Jesus in many ways. First, I will try to pray more. Second, I will go to Mass or watch it virtually. Last, I will only watch YouTube for an hour a day.” – Jack Burman, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Drawing by Chloe Nagel, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

“During Lent I can be closer to Jesus by donating food and clothes. I can also go to church and pray. Another thing I can do is be nice and respect people for their jobs and how hard they try… In conclusion, during Lent I can be closer to Jesus by offering him more of my time praying and thanking him for all He does for me and my family.” – Bianca Ahlborn, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Drawing by Gianna Cicotello, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

“This Lent more than ever its important to draw as close to Jesus as we can. I plan to do that using some simple strategies. First, I will be kind to all people, especially when they’re not kind to me. I’m also going to pray more often. Lastly, I won’t fight with my brother. I hope to feel closer to Jesus by the end of Lent!” – Gianna Cicotello, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.


For the Catholic Standard's March Junior Saints to mark the Year of St. Joseph in the Catholic Church proclaimed by Pope Francis, students are invited to draw a picture of St. Joseph and write about what they admire about him, or to draw a picture and write about a “good Joe” they know, a Joseph or Joe or Joey or Josephine in their families or among their friends. The drawings and writings should be emailed to by March 13 to Mark Zimmermann, the Catholic Standard's editor, and they should include the name, grade and school or parish of the student printed clearly.
