Catholic Schools Week will be celebrated from Jan. 26 to Feb. 1, 2025. For the January Junior Saints, students were invited to draw a picture and write about something that they like about their Catholic school, parish religious education class, or Catholic homeschooling.
St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville
“Although I love everything about my school, my favorite part is the learning environment. I love how teachers are always nice and excited to teach. I like how we get to have the time to talk to new people as well as our friends through things like group projects. I like how our school also takes the time to have kids of all grades get to know each other, making my school feel like one big happy family.” – Artwork above and writing by Daphne Kaczowka, eighth grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville, Maryland
“One of the things that I enjoy about St. E’s is that there are so many kind and loving people. Everyone is friends with each other and always help each other out. I also like how positive the teachers are. They are always helping me learn and grow in my faith.” – Cole Zang, sixth grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville

“St. E’s is so welcoming and kind. Whenever I walk in, I feel as if I belong there. The teachers each have their unique ways of teaching. One thing that really makes me happy is that we celebrate the teachers and the students all the time, like Catholic Schools Week, where on each day of the week we have a special event, like PJ day, when we all wear pajamas to school and have the time of our lives. St. Elizabeth School also has a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence award.” – Artwork and writing by Colleen Beavers, sixth grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville
“One thing I like about St. Elizabeth School is sports. The sports are so fun, and people can bond together. There are so many sports that I can’t name all of them. My favorite sports are soccer, basketball and dance… We also have CYO sports for our school.” – Yasmine Borges, sixth grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville

“I’ve been going to St. Elizabeth School since I was 3, and I’ve always loved the way that we’re called a St. Elizabeth School family. Also for public schools, middle schoolers don’t get a recess at all, but at St. E’s, we still get recess, just shortened a bit. I always enjoy going to Mass, because I enjoy the homilies and the singing. Events like field day, the annual fund and the glow run are always a blast! All in all, St. Elizabeth School is the best.” – Artwork and writing by Mali Fanomezantsoa, sixth grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville
St. Columba School, Oxon Hill

“My favorite thing about my Catholic education is that I learned how to pray to God and be thankful for all the blessings He has given me. I also learned how important it is to pray together with my family and to care for them.” – Artwork and writing by Lorris Pangilinan, sixth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill, Maryland
“One thing I like is serving on First Fridays. I like serving the Lord. I feel close to Him when I help at Mass.” – Lynne Gonzales, seventh grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill

“What I adore most about my school is the trust the teachers and students have in each other. I always volunteer whenever a teacher ever needs help. They put their trust in me, filling me with motivation to complete the task they assigned me. At St. Columba, they also give us the role of being a patrol. Every day, we patrols care for other students, ensuring everyone is safe. Even if we make mistakes, our teachers give us a second chance. They trust that we will learn and do better the next time. This trust builds a special bond with every student and teacher, creating the community and loving family of St. Columba School!” – Artwork and writing by Hayleigh Estrella, eighth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill

“I like that I can sing in my school’s choir. I also like the songs we sing.” – Artwork and writing by Elysia Proctor, seventh grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill
St. Mary’s School, Bryantown

Artwork by Ava Rinaldo, first grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown
“What I like about my school is we have people who support me and love me. We also have a Catholic church, and they like to give to other people who need a lot of help. They really show their love to me, and whenever I need something, they are always there for me. I’m really glad to be at this school!” – Evie Cusick, fourth grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown

Artwork by William Lyon, seventh grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown
“One of my favorite parts about my Catholic school is going to church as a class. I love being able to strengthen my faith with my friends and experiencing sacraments together. Another thing I love about my school is how small each class is. I like being able to think of my classmates as family. We also go on lots of faithful field trips together. The field trips also help us become closer. I am so thankful to be part of such an amazing school community.” – Ellie Moore, eighth grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown
“I like that we get to go to church.” – Isla Howells, first grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown

Artwork and writing by Sophia Licona, third grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown
“I love my Catholic school because we get to write notes to God. We get to learn about God. We learn about safety so we can be safe. We pray before and after we eat, and we pray before classes. I love my Catholic school.” – Amelia Martin, third grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown
“What I like about my school is that I get to go to church every week. We get to sing songs and pray every day. I like specials, because we get to learn special things like art and Spanish. My school has days where we pray the rosary. I like the field trips when we go to places. I love my school!” – Abigail Zarychta, fourth grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown

Artwork by Sophia Buzzeo, fourth grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown
“What I like about my Catholic school is that we learn a lot about gospel stories and the main and important people in the Bible who teach us about God. I also really like the nice and friendly environment and community that treats everyone nicely and gives them motivation. We also get the chance to go to church and see how the church works.” – Alvis Gachoki, sixth grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown
Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Dagem Elias, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
“What I love about Blessed Sacrament School is the community. Everybody here is so kind and helpful toward others. The thing I love most is the Greg Gannon Canned Food Drive. Everyone loves collecting cans for the homeless. This year we collected over 16,000 cans. I also love that all of the families help support the Church and Blessed Sacrament. I love our community!” – Ella Vorrasi, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
“I like a lot of things at my Catholic school, but one of my favorite things is how we get to learn about the Bible and all the interesting stories about Jesus and God. I also like all my teachers and friends. I think it’s important that we learn about Jesus and God, because they teach us to be better people.” – Betsy Brant, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
“My favorite thing about Catholic Schools Week is to be able to celebrate my teachers and classmates more than ever! You get to be grateful for your teachers. You think about how grateful you are to have amazing classmates. Also you get to celebrate in special ways… The best part is to celebrate Jesus for making these people and how Jesus made you.” – Annie Lamade, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Julia Mishra, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
“What I most like about my Catholic school is having fun with friends during recess or going to church and receiving the Eucharist. Another thing about my school is the teachers, they work very hard teaching you and grading your homework and tests. Without them we would not know much, but thanks to them, we do!” – Gray Barry, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
“I love that I have so much love and support from teachers and friends in my Catholic school. The teachers make sure we understand every single assignment correctly. The people at my school are nice and helpful. Every time I feel upset, I know that all my friends are by my side. What I love at my Catholic school is we learn about religion and Mr. Markley is a really good teacher.” – Brooks Reisig, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
“I love going to Blessed Sacrament School. It is special that we get to learn about God, Jesus, Mary and the saints in our classes. I really like that we go to Mass during school and get to serve at Mass by singing in the choir, bringing up the gifts, and reading. At Blessed Sacrament School, the teachers are kind and help us to do our best. We have a lot of fun activities like Week of the Arts, Mission Fair, dress down days, the Greg Gannon Food Drive, and Field Day. I’m so glad I get to go to a Catholic school.” – Grace Milano, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Addy Khasawinah, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
“What I really love about my school are the teachers. I love the teachers because if my day is hard or I’m having trouble with something, they are there for me and try to do their best to help me. They are so kind to you and are there if you have a question or don’t understand a project or assignment. Blessed Sacrament School teachers are the best.” – Kate Sullivan, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
“What I like most in my Catholic school is our community, whether it is raising money or helping someone up at recess. One thing I can always count on is coming together as a team. At Blessed Sacrament School, you will always feel loved, supported and happy! But one thing I will always know is that if you are having a rough day, you can always get a smile from someone at my Catholic school.” – Delaney Crawford, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
“I go to Blessed Sacrament School, and it is the best. The teachers are so nice, and I learn so much. I also have so many friends there who are kind, funny and loyal. It has very good places, including a good playground, field, gym, classrooms and cafeteria. The church is also very beautiful and big. My school is a perfect school, and I will be so sad to leave after eighth grade.” – Jane Meyers, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
“The thing I like about my Catholic school is that all of the teachers are great people and will always welcome you into their classroom with a loving smile, and they are always full of energy, ready to teach you something fun. I also like how they’re always open to give a one-on-one if you don’t understand something. Another thing I like about my school are the priests. They always try making learning about our faith fun, and they come into our classrooms to tell us about Jesus and give us answers to any questions we might have for them. I am so grateful my parents sent me to Blessed Sacrament School.” – Colin Andrews, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
Little Flower School, Great Mills

“I like that my Catholic school gives me the opportunity to go to Mass every week. Not everyone’s parents take them to church, so taking time out of every week to visit God’s home is a blessing. My Catholic school also gives everyone a chance to participate in Mass. People can train to become altar servers and volunteer to read. We also have special Masses to celebrate important feast days and holidays.” – Artwork and writing by Taylor Lee, eighth grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills, Maryland

“What I like about Catholic school is that we can all pray together; in morning prayer, before snack and lunch, after recess, in the afternoon, and at Mass. In morning and afternoon prayer, I can pray with the whole school. In Mass, I can pray with the whole school and new people. At recess, I can pray with my friends. In school, we can all pray together.” – Artwork and writing by Isla Finbow, seventh grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills

“I drew this picture because I wanted to present Little Flower School and how I love this school. I came here when I was in first grade. Six years is a lot of time, but I love this school so, so much and how it teaches us to be nice. I love how Saint Therese of Lisieux did so many little things, and we can too. I love St. Therese, my teachers and my friends.” – Artwork and writing by David Campos, sixth grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills
“What I like most about Little Flower School is its community, because we help other places and communities like the soup kitchen down the road. I also like how kind our community is and how kind our school is. Our principal, Ms. Keeton, is the one who is in charge of all this love and kindness… I relish that we have a graveyard for our brothers and sisters. A person very close to our community was buried there recently, and it was so respectful and beautiful, it reminded me of my Nana’s burial.” –Desmond Murillo, sixth grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills

“One thing I love about Catholic schools is the small class sizes. I love it because before in public school, there were big classes, and it was harder to learn; but now I can learn better and build stronger friendships. I also love it because you have more opportunities for sports. Back in public school, there would be a lot of foul language that I didn’t like; therefore I did not want to join sports. But in Catholic schools, I can join sports without being concerned about bullies or other mean people. Lastly, I love the community, because everyone is nice to everyone. In public school, there would be people who would mess with people smaller than them, but here at Catholic school, there is none of that and I won’t have to be concerned about it. That is why I love Catholic school.” – Artwork and writing by Zachary Phan, seventh grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills

“I like my Catholic school because I have friends here. Another reason I like my school is because it gives me the opportunity to learn about God. Unlike public schools, Catholic schools get to talk about Jesus. I think that the reason I am so close to God is because of my school. At my school, we have religion class every day and sometimes twice a day. I think that I have grown closer to God because I get to learn about Him and His teachings in the Bible. My religion teacher also helps our class, she is always guiding us down the right path. Finally, my school goes to Mass every Tuesday and has Confession twice a year. This also helps with my relationship with God.” – Artwork and writing by Alex Nelson, eighth grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills

“Things I love about Little Flower School: I love all the teachers; they help me understand the work that we do. We have a learning center with two years olds. For after school, there is basketball, band, student council, and many other activities…” – Artwork and writing by Jack Taylor, sixth grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills
“What I like about Little Flower School the most is how everyone is very kind and friendly. There is not a lot of bullying and kids trying to harm each other. All my classmates including me, agree that we all feel safe at Little Flower. I love how even if I do bad in PE, my classmates still encourage me, and they never try to leave me out of anything. All these reasons are why I call my classmates my friends. For all that I thank Little Flower School for not only giving me a great education but also for giving me other kids I can call friends.” – Jeremy Barnard, seventh grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills

“One thing I like about my Catholic school is the jobs and opportunities they give us. Every day, my friends and I have the opportunity to put up the flag in front of the school. We don’t do it just because we are told to; we applied to do it and take pride in raising our country’s flag every day. Little Flower School gives us so many different chances to do things for the community and our teachers that we enjoy doing it. It feels good to have a job and to be able to be proud of it. When you help others, you don’t just get the satisfaction of doing something. You get satisfaction from being able to help someone, just like when other people might take on a task that will end up helping you.” – Artwork and writing by Daniel Sebring, eighth grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills
“I love singing in the choir during Masses; it is my favorite thing to do. Every Tuesday, I hope I can sing. I also have a perfect view of the altar during Mass. I learn about Jesus, and I can sing too. My great grandma says that singing Psalms is saying prayers. Singing at Mass brings me joy, and I hope I can do it more in the future.” – Drake Gordon, sixth grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills
St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

Artwork by Claire Andonyadis, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda

“One thing that I like about my Catholic school is that we are all like one big family. We all care for each other. Our teachers are amazing in all that they do. They are patient, humble, and good Christian role models that we can talk to and look up to. Our classes are fun and productive, because we might play Bingo, but also it might be about pronouns and adjectives. These are the reasons I love my school.” – Artwork and writing by Noelle Shorb, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda

“I love Saint Bart’s because there are so many opportunities and something for everyone! I love to be involved in school, and I enjoy doing many things like musical theater, altar serving at Mass, playing CYO sports, clubs, and so much more. Saint Bart’s isn't just a school, it's a welcoming community and family!” – Artwork and writing by Reagan Perraut, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda

“The reason I love going to Saint Bart’s is how they teach us to grow in our faith while giving us the education of a lifetime.” – Artwork and writing by Siena Auzoux, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda
“What I love most about St. Bartholomew is being able to learn about our faith. When I was younger, teachers explained how good God is and why it is important to believe in Him. I didn’t really understand it, but through my seven years here, I have had opportunities to practice what we have learned all this time and apply it to new situations. Things get harder in middle school, but I have grown my faith so much I know I can lean on God and pray whenever I need strength.” – Myles Butler, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda

“Something that I like about going to a Catholic school is that we get to go to Mass every Friday. And every grade comes to Mass. I also love that we have Mass buddies.” – Artwork and writing by Caroline Dubinsky, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda
“Schools are amazing, but Catholic schools are awesome. Why are Catholic schools awesome? A reason is because a Catholic school helps you learn new stuff, and it helps you to also build a behavior (based) on worshipping our Lord. Another reason is it helps with both physical and spiritual growth toward God.” – Feyi Lawal, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda

Artwork by JoJo Rump, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda

“My favorite thing about my Catholic school is going to church with my Mass buddy and singing, because he has an adorable voice.” – Artwork and writing by Sarah Juzbasic, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda

“I love how this school values not only regular education but also religious education.” – Artwork and writing by Parisa Gambhir, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda
“The best part about going to Catholic school is that everyone is kind, because that’s what we all believe in. Jesus teaches us to be kind to everyone. My friends, the teachers, and all the parents are very kind. I feel safe here.” – Royce Butler, fourth grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda

“God has given us life, fun, friends, and each other. At St. Bart's we rise.” – Artwork and writing by Oliver O’Connor, fourth grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda

“I love St. Bart’s because there are a lot of kind kids.” – Artwork and writing by Nyali Karunaratne, fourth grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda
Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

Artwork by Valentina Cruceta, sixth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons, Maryland
“One thing I really like about Our Lady Star of the Sea School is how it feels like a close-knit family. Everyone always supports each other, whether it is during class, school events, participating sports or in church activities, the OLSS community is there cheering you on. The OLSS teachers and staff care about us not just as students but as people too. They help us grow in both faith and character. Our Lady Star of the Sea School is a place where I learn and become a better person.” – Zoe Roberts, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

“I love my Catholic school because every teacher is nice, and we get hot lunch every day. Our school is also super nice because we get to do fundraisers and events. But I am super lucky to go to this school because it is in beautiful Solomons, Maryland. Our school is surrounded by peaceful water views and wildlife such as the bald eagle.” – Artwork and writing by Emily Konya, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons
“What I love most about my Catholic school is that we get to pray and grow closer to God every day. In public schools, they don’t have Mass, but at our school, we do. It’s really special to gather with everyone and celebrate our faith together. The teachers at my school are not only kind and caring, but they also help us learn how to be better people in mind, body and soul. They teach us that being a good person is about more than just doing well in schoolwork; it’s also about being kind to others, taking care of our bodies, and growing spiritually. The teachers encourage us to make good choices and live in a way that reflects our faith. They make sure we have time for important things like Confession and Adoration, which help us feel peaceful and connected to God. Also, before every class, we say a prayer that helps guide us and reminds us of what’s important. All these things make my Catholic school a place where I feel loved, supported and close to my faith. That’s why I love it so much!” – Tyler Wingenter, sixth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons
“On the first day I came to Our Lady Star of the Sea School, I got a warm welcome, and everyone treated me with love. We get to learn about God and pray. We also get to go to church every Wednesday. We always treat people with kindness, and we do fun fundraisers. We also work hard every day to achieve our goals.” – Annie Barbour, fifth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

Artwork by Abigail Thomas, sixth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons
“What I like about my Catholic school is that we go to Mass every Wednesday and go to morning prayer every day. We also pray a decade of the rosary and pray before we have snack and lunch. I think that our school is a very prayerful school, and I like that! I love how our school is on the water as well. I loved the Turkey Trot we had on the boardwalk, and we got to see the water. Sometimes, we even get to eat lunch outside, and we can see the water again. I also like the teachers. They are kind and explain the work and how to do it. I love all of my teachers and the principal. She is kind and helps when something is wrong. There are a lot more things I like about my school, but those are the reasons I picked.” – Emerson Hughes, sixth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

Artwork by Lillian Palmer, fifth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons
“What I like about Our Lady Star of the Sea School is that the teachers help us understand better than before, and they use unique ways. Sometimes during recess, they play games with us too! What I love most about our school is that no one is left out or lonely. We also have buddies for the younger ones. All the teachers treat us with hospitality and care. Also I love how we get to go to Adoration and Mass.” –Meshach Dippold, fifth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons
“The reason I like this school is because I get to go to Mass and learn about my Catholic faith. I hope to get confirmed one day. In my opinion, the ability to go to this parish and worship God is very good. My life is closer to God because I go to this school. Thanks to this school, I have learned more about saints and the lives they lived. Also, I like this school because I have made many friends who are very kind. This school is a friendly environment to be in where you are supported instead of being discouraged.” – Charlie DiBonaventuro, fifth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

“I like my Catholic school because I love to go to Mass and the teachers are very nice. I also like Adoration, and I love praying to God. I like that we go to morning prayer every day.” – Artwork and writing by Kara Matlack, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons
“Some things I like about my Catholic school are all the nice teachers, getting to learn about God and getting a good education. Most kids don’t have uniforms, but I kinda like them because it looks respectful. I like that we get to learn about our faith and when we don’t understand something, our teacher helps us. Another reason I like my Catholic school is because they challenge me. At my school there are a lot of nice kids. That’s what I like about my Catholic school.” – Natalie Napier, fifth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons
“There are many reasons why I like school. First, everybody including teachers and students are kind to me. Second, I learn a lot at school. Just this year, I have probably learned 50 new things in each subject. Third, I like the schedule and when we do things. Finally, I like how many fun things we get to do. That’s why I like school.” – Corben Brauns, fifth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons
St. Patrick’s School, Rockville

Artwork by Gaby Orellana, eighth grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville, Maryland
“My favorite part of my Catholic school is that we all share the same love of Jesus. We all learn about saints together. We pray and go to Mass together. We can do crafts, projects, writing assignments and activities that we can’t do at other schools that aren’t Catholic. I love my Catholic school.” – Emily Reddersen, fourth grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville

Artwork by Olivia Scripps, fourth grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville
“I love St. Patrick’s School because the teachers are so nice. We pray every day. Also, we go to Mass together as a school every Wednesday.” – Kate Murphy, first grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville

“I love my Catholic school because I have the best teachers and principal. They are so kind and loving, and they care about all of us. They help us when we need it, and it is the best Catholic school anybody could ever have.” – Art and writing by Beau Boynton, first grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville

Art and writing by Lucy Glomb, first grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville
St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.

“I like St. Augustine School because of the teachers and the hard work and effort they put in to help us learn and grow.” – Artwork and writing by Amen Alemayehu, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“I love St. Augustine Catholic School because of its faith and dedication to Christ. We love Him so much. We have events based off of him, ranging from Catholic Schools Week to Mass every Friday, to prayers every day.” – Abraham Gebru, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“I love St. Augustine Catholic School because the staff is so nice and kind. Our community is peaceful and beautiful. Our church is spectacular when you just walk in. It is a work of art, and our school is so beautiful. I like to make friends there because people are so nice and the teachers are so kind and so generous.” – Haset Yonas, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“I love St. Augustine School because it teaches us about the Catholic faith and who God is and what He does.” – Chekle Degem, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“I like St. Augustine Catholic School because of the teachers. The teachers do amazing things for the students.” – Aaron Mulu, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.

“I love St. Augustine Catholic School for its fun-filled activities!!!” – Artwork and writing by Abigail Thomas, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“I like the church at St. Augustine School, because I like going to Mass every Friday and singing to God.” – Michael Mergu, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“I like St. Augustine Church. I also like how they teach us about God and the Catholic faith. I also love the religion classes.” – Kaira Mbah, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“I like St. Augustine Church because it is a Catholic church, and because it introduced me to the Catholic identity.” – Endalkachew Leykun, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“I like St. Augustine Catholic School because we go to church every Friday.” – Eyuel Kudama, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“I like St. Augustine Catholic School because of how much fun we have, like on Catholic Schools Week that’s coming up, Family Fun Day on the last day of school, and how the principal and teachers make us laugh. More importantly, I love going to Mass on Friday.” – Hiyab Abraha, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“What I love about Catholic school is that every time I go to school, it makes me excited, because every day there is something fun… I don’t know if it’s just the people around me, or maybe it’s God’s presence in our souls… As long as Jesus’s presence is here, I know I’ll succeed.” – Kalkidan Engidaw, sixth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“I like Catholic schools for one main reason, because I become closer to God. This is my first year at St. Augustine and my first time going to a Catholic school, but so far I love it. We always start and end our school days with prayer, which I think is a very peaceful way to start or end your day. We also go to weekly Mass, and that is my favorite day of the week when going to Mass. I also love how we respect everyone and everything equally here. So it means bullying isn’t allowed.” – Blen Tirfu, sixth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“What I love about my Catholic school are most of the teachers, because some teachers are fun while they teach. I also love going to Mass on Fridays and worshiping God. I also have a lot of friends that I have fun with, and we sit together at lunch. Also, I like the aftercare activities. This school has a lot of activities, like soccer, basketball, chess, sewing, fencing, book club, Girl Scout, tap, pals and many more.” – Michael Shewaye, sixth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Kebba Samba, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“I love my Catholic school because the teachers teach in a way that we can understand our work. If we don’t understand it, they will teach us slower. I also like the activities such as soccer, basketball, cheerleading, chess, art and more. My favorite from all of them is soccer, because we can kick and play nicely so we don’t get hurt.” – Lydia Palmore, sixth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“One of the things that I like about Catholic schools is that they believe in God, and they put you into good high schools. They are also good at giving students a good education. They also have good sports teams and good teachers.” – Aden Wilson, sixth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“What I love about Catholic school is that they teach you about God and to worship Him, and how they teach you about respect, focus and kindness. When I first came to this Catholic school, all of the students treated me with love and respect. I felt like I needed to go to this school, it just felt right. When the teachers teach students, they teach in such a fun way, and in a way that you will understand it. I also like all of the activities and clubs. The activities are not just about having fun, you also learn. Every classroom is amazing and peaceful…” – Soliyana Aderaw, sixth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“What I love about Catholic school is that I get to be an altar server. What I also love about Catholic school is the education there is better than public schools. What I also love about Catholic school is that the teachers make learning fun and hard at the same time. What I love the most about Catholic schools is that the food is gourmet and is so much better than public schools.” – Preston Sampson, sixth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“What I love the most about Catholic school is the way they educate us. It is always taught in a way that helps me to understand the topic, no matter what. Another thing that I love about Catholic schools is that we have prayer multiple times a day. Before I came to this school, they didn’t do any prayer (at my other school), so I didn’t pray much. Another thing that I love about Catholic schools is we have religion class. I love that I get to learn about this religion, and it helps me with my religion. Even though I am not Catholic, this type of school is great for me.” – Tsion Denbu, sixth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.

“I love St. Augustine Catholic School, because the teachers provide us with a good education, teaching us new skills each day, while making sure we understand.” – Artwork and writing by Segen Tewelde, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“I love Catholic schools, because they bring us closer to God by doing prayer in the morning and afternoon. They teach me to love with all my heart. As a middle schooler, we have retreats… We also help others, which helps me comprehend what others are going through…” – Amelia James, sixth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“What I love about Catholic schools is that they challenge us… I also love how we talk about and learn more about God in any subject. I really love how we go to Mass as a school together on Friday mornings and holy days. I also love how we learn in religion class and do some activities and learn new things about God and creation. But mostly, I really, really love Catholic Schools Week. There are so many things and activities to do. I really like how the whole school gathers and takes a group photo…” – Solome Demissie, sixth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“What I love about Catholic school is that we pray, praise God and learn about God. Catholic school helps me get closer to God and helps me learn a lot more about how God is very important to us… Going to a Catholic school will help me go to heaven and make my heart more pure and clean.” – Naomi Nwosu, sixth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“What I love about Catholic school is we learn a lot more about God and our religion… I have good friends inside the school that I play sports with.” – Eliott Dempsey, sixth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“What I love about Catholic school is that they teach students about Jesus, and that we always pray and go to church. What I also love about Catholic school is that we put God first, and that in church, they talk about accepting Jesus or God into our hearts. I also love that when we say the readings or pray, we ask God to help us and other people who are not feeling well or the homeless. I also love that we donate canned foods and have activities that include helping people.” — Batel Reday, sixth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.

“I love St. Augustine Catholic School because of Catholic Schools Week. I love Catholic Schools Week because of the talent show and so much more!” – Artwork and writing by Elizabeth Dandridge, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“What I love about St. Augustine Catholic School is their kind hearts, and they treat everybody the same. They teach about God… and they teach the right way.” – Maba Kasa, sixth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“Something that I love about Catholic school is that the teachers always tell us about things that will help us in our religion. They always help us learn more about our Catholic faith. This is my first time going to a Catholic School, and it actually feels really good. We go to the church every week on Fridays, have religion classes, we pray as a school or class, and even get the chance to serve at Mass.” – Saron Assefa, sixth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“What I love about Catholic school is the food. The students are served freshly made meals that are made with a lot of care. There is always a variety of foods every day. Students are given a balanced meal consisting of a main course (pasta, chicken, soup, etc.), a small side dish (often fruit), a vegetable (most of the time salad) and a small treat (ice cream, cake, jello, etc.)…” – Leila White, sixth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“One thing I like about Sunday school is we get to sometimes read passages from the Bible, and we get to learn about how to share your faith in real life.” – Ethan Brown, seventh grade, St. Augustine Sunday School
St. Thomas More Catholic Academy, Washington

“One thing I like about both my school and parish is being an altar server. I enjoy helping during Mass by carrying the cross, ringing the bell and assisting Father Moore. It makes me feel like I’m doing something special for my church and my community. Being an altar server has also helped me learn more about my faith and become more confident. I like that I can see my friends at school and church, and we get to work together during Mass. Being an altar server is a great way for me to feel closer to God.” – Artwork and writing by Aiden Lewis, fifth grade, St. Thomas More Catholic Academy, Washington, D.C.
St. Ambrose Catholic School, Cheverly
“What I like about my school is that it’s fun to learn. I also love going to Mass and religion class. It has helped me become closer to the Catholic faith. Lastly, I love and appreciate how our homeroom teacher (Mrs. Sheila Hightower) teaches us.” – Artwork and writing by Mason Dickerson, fifth Grade, Saint Ambrose Catholic School, Cheverly
“The thing that I like most about our parish is my responsibilities as a prayer partner. The prayer partner relationship makes me feel closer to my Catholic faith and the parish community. It is also great to attend weekly Mass.” – Madison Dickerson, fifth Grade, Saint Ambrose Catholic School, Cheverly, Maryland
Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown

“I love Father Andrew White School because we learn and we have the best teacher and we have fun.” – Artwork and writing by Madison Flaherty, first grade, Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown, Maryland
“What I like about my Catholic school is how we get sports teams, responsibilities, friends, and a lot more. I love to learn at a Catholic school because I get a Catholic education, and it’s a private school. I love having buddies, because it’s fun to help them through everything… I think Catholic schools provide a very good education, because they have a lot of good classes. I think my favorite class is math. Math at Father Andrew White School is split into two groups: advanced math and normal math. I love how they teach me my level math. Another thing I love about Catholic schools is how we do a virtue of the month. Each month we have a different virtue and whoever showed it the most won and got a tag day.” – Amelia Mabrey, fifth grade, Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown
“What I like about my Catholic school is the buddy system. It is just cool when you are younger and have an older buddy to look up to. Then, when you are in fourth grade, you are the older buddy, and have the Pre-K grade. Next, In fifth grade you have kindergarten, so you know more about that grade than you did last year. I also like it because you can do a buddy gift exchange and give your buddy a gift. Another reason I love the buddy system is that your buddies give the best hugs and are so cute.
“Something else that I like about the school is that you can play school sports. Starting in Pre-K, Coach Katie picks you if you are fast enough to run track. Then in third grade you can start running cross country. The other sport that you can start in fifth grade is basketball. That is the sport that I am playing right now for the Crusaders. It is very organized and fun to play...
“Another thing that I like about being in this Catholic school is that we can talk about God... Also here at Father Andrew White, we get to go to church every Friday along with going on Sunday. We also go to church on holy days of obligation… Another privilege we get to have in a Catholic school is that we get to go to Confession two or more times a year.” – Blake Good, fifth grade, Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown
“What I like about my Catholic school is we learn about God. I love the religion classes. Before I went to this school, I didn’t know about God or Jesus until now. I love to know about God because I know he is protecting me and can talk to me anytime. I love to learn about God and learn things about him…
“I also love the teachers you meet at the school. All of the teachers are kind, fun loving, and will help if you need it. The teachers are actually the ones who teach you religion. These teachers teach really well. It is fun to work with teachers who are good at teaching and very kind and fun.” – Roman Peacock, fifth grade, Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown

“I love Father Andrew White School because I love my teacher, and I love to learn.” – Artwork and writing by Rose Downey, first grade, Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown
“I love Father Andrew White School because I like to learn about God. I love Father Andrew White School because they love me.” – Giuliana Coyle, first grade, Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown
“I love Father Andrew White School because we have a new class pet. She is an axolotl. Her name is Bubbles.” – Reed Hayden, first grade, Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown
Topic for February 2025 Junior Saints
For the next Junior Saints, students are invited to draw a picture of themselves, and to write about their dreams for the future. (Their dreams can be about their own future, or about their dreams for our country or our world.)
The drawings and writings should be emailed to by Friday Feb. 14, 2025 to Mark Zimmermann, the Catholic Standard’s editor, and they should include the name, grade and school or parish of the student printed clearly.
Due to time constraints involved with reviewing the volume of submitted work, it is requested that schools or parish religious education programs limit their entries to 10 drawings and 10 writings from their students. The best formats to send are jpegs for artwork and word documents or pdfs for writing, if possible. Please no long essays. Thank you!