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Junior Saints: Celebrating Moms for Mother’s Day and Mary for month of May

Artwork by Amarachi Oleru, eighth grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie, Maryland

Since May is the month of Mother’s Day and a special month to venerate Mary, for the May 2023 Junior Saints online children’s section of the Catholic Standard, students were invited to draw a picture and write about Mary or their mother. 

Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons, Maryland

“I love and admire Mary and my mother because they both are my mom, one in heaven and one on Earth. They are both very special to me because they work so hard for me every day. My Earth mom feeds me and makes me exercise every day! My mom on Earth also takes care of me in a lot of different ways too, both physically and mentally. Mary is an amazing mother because she takes care of me spiritually. I love and adore them both.” – Artwork and writing by Sadie Grey, fourth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons, Maryland

“Mary is everyone’s mother spiritually and is the queen of heaven, that’s why we have the May crowning to recognize Mary as queen of Heaven and Earth. Every year we have the May crowning for that exact reason to show that she’s our mother and the queen of Heaven.” – Sophia Hankins, sixth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

“My mom is awesome! She cares, she’s kind, she’s terrific and inviting and one more thing, enjoyable! She loves people… I love her with all my heart.” – Artwork and writing by Annabel Kortokrax, third grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

“I love Mary so much. She’s really beautiful… She’s a really good role model for anyone. She’s very holy and guides me through life just like my mom. It’s really nice to have two moms, one I can pray to and one that can also guide me through life. Mary is awesome!” – Harper Hutchins, sixth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

“My mom is very helpful. She helps me with my homework, and she helps me with all my tests. She is so smart… She helps me with everything, and that’s why I love my mom so much.” – Artwork and writing by Lillian Palmer, third grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

“Mary is the mother of all mothers. Without her, Jesus would not be born. She was so brave and loyal to God. She let her baby be born in a stable. (Later) Mary watched her son die and was very sad, but knew it was for the good.” – Artwork and writing by Charlie Dibonaventuro, third grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

“My mom is one of the best people in my life. She helps me with everything… My mom loves me and I love her.” – Austin Parks, fifth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons 

Artwork by Kalina Dillard, fourth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

“Mary is such a brave person. When the angel asked her to have the Son of God, she said ‘yes.’ I can’t imagine that was an easy choice, but Mary still did it. She helped raise Jesus even when it was difficult. When Jesus went to the temple, she did not even get mad at him. She also had to watch her only Son be crucified. That is a lot for a mother to go through. Mary is an inspiration for us all.” – Conner Matters, eighth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

Artwork by Stella Bailey, fifth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

“My mom is amazing! She is really smart and has always helped me with homework. She makes sure I always understand what is being taught, so I can do good in school. My mom is always willing to help anyone if she can. My mom has always respected my opinions… Even when we disagree on something, she’s never tried to force her way of thinking. I love my mom and am truly grateful for her every day.” – Violet Klasko, seventh grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea, Solomons

St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie, Maryland

“Mary was the mother of our Savior, Jesus. She never committed sin, and she allowed our sins to be taken away by having Jesus. We should celebrate our mothers, because just like Mary, they created us. Mary is our religious mother, she is an amazing person, and she is celebrated on the day we celebrate all mothers, Mother’s Day. Mary was an amazing mother, and so are all of our mothers, so remember to appreciate them for giving you life.” – Artwork and writing by Allison Holley, sixth grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie, Maryland

“My mom is one of the most interesting and amazing persons I know. When my mom was my age, she had to leave her country because of a war. For awhile my mom was living in a refugee camp with her siblings and half-siblings. When my mom came to America, she began working hard for herself, her family and her dreams. Ever since I was little, she has been teaching me new lessons in life.” – Amara Iweanoge, seventh grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie

“My mom is a very hard-working woman. She stays up until midnight to finish some work. But she always thinks about her children, coming to their school plays, coming to their field trips as a chaperone and making time to play with us. She is the best mom ever.” – Artwork and writing by Ethan Atkinson, sixth grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie

“My mom is a really strong person. She takes care of four kids and always believes in them and never gives up on them. My mom always tries her best to make sure we have everything we need. She works hard every day to provide for me. My mom helps me practice for sports, and we have a good time on our morning walks.” – Henry Coley, seventh grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie

“My mother is so amazing to me. She loves me so much, and I love her so much as well. She cares for me and other people… She just doesn’t think about herself. I love her so, so, so much, and she is the reason why I’m the person who I am today. She inspires me to be the best I can be!” – Artwork and writing by Chloe Littlejohn, eighth grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie

“My mom is a very special person to me. She helps me to do the best that I can every day. She provides for me with food, clothes and a roof over my head. I have ups and downs and good and bad days. She is the first person who I talk to about it. I like spending time with her, because she is fun and bubbly. I love her, and she loves me. I cannot be any more thankful and grateful than I am about her.” – Artwork and writing by Sydney Ogunyemi, seventh grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie

“I love my mother… She has always told me to do my best and give everything my best effort. She always taught me to never give up. From my mom, I learned to always work hard to get what you want. My mom is a single mother doing things that most people can’t do with two people. She got her dream house and her dream car all by herself.” – Zoe Artis, eighth grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie

“I drew both my mother and Mary, because they deserve all my appreciation and gratitude. Mary serves as a role model to me. Her determination and strength show me how to live life with faith and love. Through her actions, my mom constantly reminds and inspires me to work hard and appreciate everything. Her perseverance and determination in everything she does serves as a model for me. She has taught me from a young age that with faith and tenacity, I can achieve my goals.” – Artwork and writing by Krystal Nkoronye, eighth grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie

“My mom is the best mom in the world. She is always there for me and there for me whenever I need her help. Whenever my dad is out of town, she does everything for me and my siblings. I am just so grateful for everything she does for me, and when I get older, I’ll repay her for everything she did.” – Landon Lewis, seventh grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie

My mother is one of the most important people in my life. She cooks, cleans and helps with my homework. That’s what I like to believe Mary was like. Even though she was the mother of Jesus, she was still just a mother. She still cooked for him and cleaned with him, and most of all, loved him, just like my mother…” – Artwork and writing by Kyla Hill, seventh grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie

“My mother to me is like Mary. She is kind, gentle, loving and a believer in God and Christ. My mom takes care of me, just like Mary took care of Christ. She is always working hard to help support my family, and she does so much more. I believe Mary did some of these things and more when she took care of Jesus Christ. This is why I love my mom and Mary.” – Artwork and writing by Amarachi Oleru, eighth grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie, Maryland

Little Flower School, Great Mills, Maryland

“Mary is the mother of all of us. She takes care of us in many ways, and sometimes we don’t even realize it.” – Artwork and writing by Emily Wagner, sixth grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills, Maryland

“Mary is brave. She was scared but she said ‘yes,’ she said she would give birth to Jesus. She did what not one of us could have done. Mary is so many things, kind, loving, caring, generous and many more. I may be Lutheran, but I still think that if everyone was a little bit like her, life would be so much easier.” – Artwork and writing by Samantha Bowes, sixth grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills

“I think Mary very much deserved to have a month devoted to her. She is queen of Heaven and the mother of God. She went through a lot of pain but still endured. She was good the whole time.” – Artwork and writing by Kaeli Beyer, sixth grade. Little Flower School, Great Mills

“Mary was only 13 years old when an angel came down from heaven and asked her if she wanted to be the mother of God. Even though she was a little scared, she said ‘yes.’ The angel told her to name the baby Jesus. She had the baby, raised him and had to watch him die and rise. That’s why Mary is the mother of everyone.” – Jaxon Barefoot, seventh grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills

“All mothers share similar traits such as trust, patience and love. This is what makes mothers so great! Mary needed A LOT of trust and faith in God. She gave her whole life to God and the world, never questioning God or his plan. She showed faith and love toward her child his whole life, just like all other mothers. This Mother’s Day, we should thank all mothers for their love and devotion to us!” – Artwork and writing by Colt Keen, seventh grade. Little Flower School, Great Mills

“Mary is the mother of Jesus. She made a remarkable choice in her life. She was chosen to be the mother of Christ because she was the perfect choice! She had love, courage, and her trust in the Lord. She was a strong woman who was devoted to her faith.” –Valeria Campos, eighth grade. Little Flower School, Great Mills

“My mom is a super hero. For the past years, she has done everything for us. She has taken us everywhere we needed to be, cooked for us, washed our clothes and much more. She does so much for us that goes unrecognized.” – Artwork and writing by Braylon Gladden, eighth grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills, Maryland

“I am thankful for my mother because she is caring, loving, and supportive. I am thankful that she is here in my life and always supporting everything I do. Thank you!” –  Artwork and writing by Sienna Johnson, eighth grade. Little Flower School, Great Mills

Mother’s Day is a very important day because out of the 365 days of the year, it is when we get to recognize our mothers. I love my mom so much and I am so grateful for her. Happy Mother’s Day.” –  Mya Mason, eighth grade. Little Flower School, Great Mills

“Mary was born without sin. She gave birth to Jesus. Mary was always kind, no matter what. She cared about and loved everyone.” – Anthony Schombs, eighth grade. Little Flower School, Great Mills

St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda, Maryland

“I drew this picture of my mother. My mom works really hard each day at work and then comes home for me. I really appreciate all that my mom does for me. It is very wonderful to have someone in my life who cares about me as much as she does. She greatly impacts my life and is always there for me, I am very appreciative that she always works very hard and sets a good example for me.” – Artwork and writing by Coco Chiu, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda, Maryland

“Mary is the perfect example of a hard-working woman of God. She embodies the best in us and the way she always says yes to God is an inspiration as well as a goal to strive toward. She is a great person to pray to because she can talk directly to Jesus.” –Alexandra Hughes, eighth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

Artwork by Claire Schreiber, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

“Mother’s Day is more than just appreciating  a mother. It is being thankful and loving to someone who has probably been with you for most of your life, the one who was always there for you even through tough times, and who acts like Mary the mother of Jesus. May is the month of Mary, she gave birth to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Mother’s Day is appreciating the mother figures in your life, whether it is your mom, grandma, stepmom, etc. I love my mom, for she has been a person I look up to and I know she loves me with all her heart. Happy Mother's Day, and Happy May, the month of Mary.” – Isabelle Delgado, eighth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

Academy of St. Matthias the Apostle, Lanham, Maryland

Artwork by Taaji Jones, fifth grade, the Academy of St. Matthias the Apostle, Lanham, Maryland

“I love my mom, and not just because she loves me, but because of the ways she cares for others. My mom likes to cook… She also tells me about things happening in the world, not only the good but also the bad to make me and my choices better.” – Artwork and writing by Charlean Ndi, fifth grade, the Academy of St. Matthias the Apostle, Lanham

“My mom is very loving. I know this because many people love my mom. My mom also cares about me. I know this because my mom loves me.” – Artwork and writing by Lily Inogbo, fifth grade, the Academy of St. Matthias the Apostle, Lanham

“…I think we should celebrate mothers every day. After all, they do so much for us. Mothers go through pain, agony, stress and get discouraged. Yet they still put a smile on their faces when they see their children.” – Artwork and writing by Amara Bowman, fifth grade, the Academy of St. Matthias the Apostle, Lanham

“I’m thankful for my mom because she’s hard-working, cooperative, courageous, caring, fair, humorous, responsible, supportive and many more things. I’m thankful that my mom knows Jesus and is a faithful Christian. She’s caring, because if there’s a homeless person with no money, she gives whatever she has to that person. My mom is an excellent cook and her food always tastes amazing. She’s also very intelligent, and if I need help with my homework, she is always there.” – Artwork and writing by Jordan Esene, fifth grade, the Academy of St. Matthias the Apostle, Lanham

St. Mary’s School, Bryantown, Maryland

Artwork by Emily Maradiaga, fifth grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown, Maryland

“Mary is the light of the world. Without her, Jesus wouldn’t be here. Mary was very brave to say ‘yes’ to the angel. She had no clue what was going on. Mary represents bravery.” – Annabelle Payne, fifth grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown

“Mary is kind because she was there for Jesus, even through those tough times. Mary has a kind heart… She is also a role model for us, because Mary trusted Jesus when things were tough. We should also do the same thing…” – Charlotte Cusick, fifth grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown

Artwork and writing by Bradley Smith, first grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown

“God sent the angel Gabriel to Mary. Gabriel asked Mary to have the Son of God, Jesus. At first, Mary was startled by Gabriel’s presence, but Mary said ‘yes’ and had Jesus… Like Mary, we should say ‘yes’ to the Holy Spirit.” – Gabriella Barrows, fifth grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown

“Mary is a role model for me, because I really admire how she said ‘yes’ to God. Yes she was born without original sin and was chosen by God, but she still said ‘yes’ out of her own free will. I hope that I will be able to say ‘yes’ to God just as easily as she did.” – Artwork and writing by Isabelle Strutt, eighth grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown

“Mary is the mother of Jesus. An angel came to Mary and said that she would have a baby and name him Jesus. I like Mary for many reasons. I like her because she is Jesus’s mother. I also like her because St. Joseph is her husband and Jesus’s foster father. I see Mary and St. Joseph every week when I go to Mass. I pray at least one Hail Mary almost every day…” – Logan Peed, eighth grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown

“Mary is the mother of God. Mary has many different names like Our Lady, Queen of Heaven and Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary was a young virgin who was chosen by God to conceive Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Mary is a mother to everyone, even the people who don’t believe in God. Mary is amazing!” – Samantha Morrison, fifth grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown

Artwork by Mickey Fluhart, first grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown

“My mom plays a very important role in my life. She cares for me, she’s supportive, and she puts up with a lot of stuff I do… Without her, I would struggle a lot more in life. She drives me to school every day even though she may be late to work in the process. Moms are the best!” – Luke Cross, eighth grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown

Artwork by Zoey Hughes, fourth grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown

Cardinal Hickey Academy, Owings, Maryland

Artwork by Astrid Eggleton, third grade, Cardinal Hickey Academy, Owings, Maryland

“There are five ways Mary is like my mother. 1.) She is kind like my mother. 2.) She is caring like my mother. 3.) She is warm-hearted like my mother. 4.) She is loving like my mother. 5.) She is awesome like my mother.” – Blake Jubb, third grade, Cardinal Hickey Academy, Owings

Artwork by Carter Beletsky, third grade, Cardinal Hickey Academy, Owings

“My mom is a lot like Mary. She gave her life to God. She prays every day. She donates to the poor. She goes to church every Sunday. When she needs forgiveness, she will ask God. She makes time to go to Confession. She also prays for everyone in need or who has lost a loved one. She prays for everyone in the whole wide world… My mom is kind and caring to me and my sisters. She donates old clothes and toys, and also shoes. She wishes she could give to everyone… She also donates canned food at food drives. She prays for priests, deacons and bishops.” – Finlee Josendale, third grade, Cardinal Hickey Academy, Owings

Artwork by Kellan Goodwin, third grade, Cardinal Hickey Academy, Owings

“My mother is the most wonderful person I know. She is kind, brave and thankful. I can’t even believe that she is the youngest of her siblings. She sang at her mother’s funeral. Mary is quite the same. Mary watched her Son die on the cross.” – Artwork and writing by Cecilia Schiavone, third grade, Cardinal Hickey Academy, Owings

“Both my mom and Mary love Jesus. They both follow Jesus’s ways. Jesus is special to my mom and Mary. Mary and my mom are both holy.”  Artwork and writing by Sydney Stevens, third grade, Cardinal Hickey Academy, Owings 

Junior Saints for June will celebrate Cardinal Gregory’s anniversary and students’ favorite priests

The Catholic Standard’s June 22, 2023 special edition will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Cardinal Wilton Gregory’s ordination to the priesthood and also include coverage of the new priests ordained for The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington. For the June Junior Saints online children’s section of the Catholic Standard, students are invited to draw a picture and write about Cardinal Gregory or their favorite priest. The drawings and writings should be emailed to by Friday June 9, 2023 to Mark Zimmermann, the Catholic Standard's editor, and they should include the name, grade and school or parish of the student printed clearly. 

Due to time constraints involved with reviewing the volume of submitted work, it is requested that schools or parish religious education programs limit their entries to 10 drawings and 10 writings from their students. The best formats to send are jpegs for artwork and word documents or pdfs for writing, if possible.  Thank you!
